Monday, March 17, 2008

Bear Stearns sold for 240 millions USD

The American investing bank JPMOrgan Chase agreed to buy Bear Stearns for 240 millions USD, which is nearly 90% form irs price from the previous week. We can remeber, that the investing bank Bear Stearns was hurt a lot from the mortgage crisis in USA and is in front of the bankrupcy. In Friday afternoon, the financial markets broke after the news for bankrupcy of the bank, which cannot pay its engagements.
The shareholders of Bear Stearns will be compensated with shares from JPMorgan, and for every of their share they will get 2$. Just before the Friday news, the shares were at prices of 55-60 USD, and for the previous year the price was over 100 USD. It is expected that Federal Reserve will finance the transaction, and also 30 billions USD for supporting the licvidity of the bank.

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